Thursday, December 27, 2007

Star of Bethlehem wasn't a comet -what else could it have been?

A few years ago, I researched the subject of the Star of Bethlehem for a presentation I was doing in Kansas City, KS. I pointed to 10 different possibitilies, omens, events, astronomical phenomenon. My presentation was entitled "The 10 Myths of the Star of Bethlehem".

It wasn't Halley's Comet which appeared in sky 12BC ( was late and nearer to 2 BC) Besides comets were bad omens and mostly associated with dread. .

This nice account tries to explain comet as the "Star" (blog info on 12/23/2007)


Mark Kidger of the European Space Agency (as did I ) that while a Triple Conjuction in 7BC was good (an forthcoming omen), the conjunction of 2 BC was a possibly better or best fit.

Going back in time, with my Imac Macintosh computer and Starry Night Pro software, I simulated this conjunction. There it was in 2BC. I concluded that it was this conjunction after looking at a host of other possibilities.

But lately Kidger and others have surmised that this date may have been too late for the "Star". So that led to something in between.

Now the suggestion turned to a possibility of a nova star in 5 BC. This is in the realm of one of my ten possibilities.,0,822279.story?coll=bal_tab01_layout

Astronomers are still looking for this Nova that the Chinese might have noted and that might have been a good candidate.

Happy holidays!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Comet 8P/Tuttle photo 12/21/2007

Comet 8P/Tuttle photo 12/21/2007
Mike Holloway who has received an AL comet observers Award took a photo of Comet 8P/Tuttle
Comet 8P/Tuttle photographed Dec. 21st by Mike Holloway of Van Buren, Arkansas.
See photo, skymap of location and additional information at 12/22/2007

if not that date go to archives

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I want to put this image made from the north of France in a small village (Wormhout)

Audine Kaf 3200 ME
Alaudine NT
Temperature ext: 05.0 °
Cooling: -25 °
Télébjectif Sigma 300 mm F / 4 APO
Time Exposure: 3 x (5 x 50 seconds filters (RGB))
Date and time of the shooting: 29 November 2007 22h20mn (Midfielder Exposure)
I authorize the release of my image to your blog.

Stéphane TAKBOU
Observatoire de l'ancienne abbaye
N 50°52'48"
E 02°28'18"
Altitude 16 m

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Comet Holmes in different filters collage

I shot Comet Holmes at its peak brightness early November.
Center- clear image
Top left - red filter
Top right - green
Bottom left - blue
Bottom right- infrared

exposure 8 second
where: Amadoo, AZ near Tucson
6 inch telescope and CCD

(c) 2007 Eric Flescher